Testimonials: Successful Case Histories

See messages from my patients who want to spread the word about the psychiatric support they've received

My Client Stories

“Dear Dr. Bodani,

I appreciate very much all that you are doing.  I know it’s a lot…”

From Carer, 2025

“Thank you so much for all your help, especially giving up so much of your time last week to talk to us. We can’t tell you how much it was appreciated”

Family of affected patient with chronic neurological illness (2024)

“It was a pleasure meeting with you this afternoon…Thank you very much for your time and prompt action…”

From carer of a patient with Parkinson’s disease (2024)

Dear Dr Bodani

I wanted to let you know that following your kind intervention, I was seen by the Parkinson’s Consultant Dr X on Y. It was a very useful consultation in which Dr X proposed various options to address my conditions …Many thanks for your kind assistance without which I doubt this would have happened.

Patient, 2024

“Dr Bodani explained how medication worked really well …”

” Dr Bodani spoke well and made it more understandable…”

Audience members at a delivered talk on Parkinson’s Disease at the University of Kent, Sept 2024

“Thank you and Dr B for the support for the last 2 years in practice of my care and future developments”

[Message sent following a significant milestone being achieved – passing professional examinations]

Patient (2024)

” She told me she felt very lucky to have been cared for by you, you were wonderful and she was grateful for your input”

From patient to Dr Bodani’s PA, 2024

“I would like to say thank you for all the help and support you give PATIENT and myself you are very unusual consultant … thank you again”

Carer, 2024


“Thank you for all the time and support you have given to the group”


Parkinson’s UK staff member following a presentation to a patient group (2024)
Healthcare Professional

“Thank you Dr Bodani, much appreciated…I really do appreciate what you have done…gone beyond the call of duty…thank you”

From patient, 2024

“….we have managed to settle X’s case today…. Thank you very much for your advice through out this very tricky claim.”

Senior Partner, London Law firm, 2024
Legal Professional

“Thank you for all the time and effort you continue to give.  It is very much appreciated”

From an adult geographically distant child concerning her parent (2024) with complex neuropsychiatric needs

“Thanks for the excellent Addendum…”

June 2024 – from senior lawyer, relating to a medicolegal report
Legal Professional

I am writing to let you know that finally the Insurance company have accepted my claim. I am of course so relieved as it has been a very difficult time … I wanted to thank you for your expertise and diligence in reviewing my case and preparing your report, which undoubtedly was the major factor in causing the insurance company to reverse its previous refusals… Thank you again”

Patient, 2024

I am pleased to confirm that the claim of Mr X settled yesterday at mediation. 

Thank you very much for all of Dr Bodani’s help with this case.

Legal professional, 2024
Legal Professional

“Thank you very much for this information and for the interview today, which was probably the most useful conversation we’ve had in eleven years.”


From carer of patient (2024)

“Thank you so much for visiting my mum last weekend and for putting together the very detailed report. This has been a massive help for myself… Thank you also for prescribing the medication and cc in the GP … social services involved now.   

We all very much appreciate the big effort you made to drive all the way down to X last Sunday”

Carer, 2024

“Thank you so much for your detailed assessment of X that I have now been sent … I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for this excellent detailed, compassionate, and authoritative assessment”

Senior Independent Consultant Psychiatrist, 2023
Healthcare Professional

I am sure that you will be interested to see this outcome of the Court hearing that you attended.  It is clear that the Judge absorbed everything you said.  The clients are very happy with the outcome!

Lawyer, 2024
Legal Professional

Please accept my sincere thanks for your very prompt help with the letter to our GP.  Please also pass on my gratitude to Dr Bodani who was so helpful this morning.

Patient, 2024

I am writing to just say huge thanks again for your participation in last Friday’s meeting …Your presence was greatly valued, and I would like to personally thank you for the valuable insights, perspectives, and contributions you shared

Independent Doctor from a specialist clinic, London, 2024
Healthcare Professional

I wanted to say a very big thank you for Dr Bodani’s letter

Patient, 2022, regarding a second opinion on diagnosis

Dr Bodani’s was a nice appointment, out of all of them, he was very nice.  His report was the only one that came back that didn’t need any corrections or amendments, it was spot on.

2022, unsolicited feedback from Claimant’s spouse, following medicolegal appointment

“…I felt the need to write a short message to thank you for the few hours we spoke…you’ve made a huge difference to my life, helping restore some trust in the medical profession & regain some control over parts of my life I previously thought were immutable…you have my best wishes” [2022]

And an acknowledgement, that many feel, expressed by the same correspondent (2022), that behind Dr Bodani stand others who support him with the same goal of serving patients to the best of our abilities:

“I’d also extend thanks to you (Vicki – Vicki Hazledine, Dr Bodani’s PA) for the time spent organising things, I assume that took a bit longer than any of us anticipated & appreciate your efforts there!”


I just wanted to thank you for all of your continued support over the past 3 years. Your help and guidance has been invaluable and I can truly say I would not be where I am today without you. I have a lot of respect for how you have helped me throughout my time …I am very pleased  to say that I received a First Class for my degree which I am extremely proud of…


Hi Dr Bodani just thought I would let you know that XXX is in Dubai on his way to Australia & New Zealand. He has a one year working visa & has worked solidly for the last 6 months to finance his trip. He has gone all on his own & has grown up a lot. We will always be very grateful for all of your help, kindness & wisdom…

[from father of patient]


Thanks Mayur for a great talk

[sent by organizing Neurologist after talk at the Royal College of Physicians, London, on Neuropsychiatric complications of Parkinson’s disease]


Consultant Neurologist

Dr Bodani, Words completely fail me as I’m trying to express our gratitude for the wonderful gift [Report] you gave us! We have now been rehoused – still temporary at the moment but the duty officer told me due to your report she can’t see why we won’t now get priority need – regarding the housing. So just once more thank you for your help and support and if I can ever return a favour please don’t hesitate to ask! Yours forever grateful

From mother of a daughter (patient)

Mother of patient

…Thank you for taking part in the webinar! You came across so well and some really excellent answers to very challenging questions…



… As our go-to favoured neuropsychiatric expert…

Leading London Law firm, 2021

Legal Professional

…Thank you so much for your helpful comments.  You have done an excellent job based on very little information…

Senior Associate, leading London Law firm 2021

Legal Professional

…I must thank you profoundly for your valued advice and concern which certainly eased our worries…

[Carer of a spouse with a chronic haematological condition and advanced dementia 2021]


Thank you so much for yesterday… I think it’s vital that you were there, so thank you

[Referring to a multidisciplinary meeting of healthcare professionals planning this carer’s mother’s care in 2021]


It was fantastic to have you as part of our core team yesterday to represent the very best ….at such an important meeting.

Thank you for your masterly talk which contributed great breadth and diversity to all our learning.

We also wanted to thank you for your erudition in chairing the final session and ending the day on such a high note.

Clinical Director (following a meeting of the Pain Section, RSM, London, Oct 2021)
Healthcare Professional

...I just wanted to send a quick note following yesterday’s meeting. It was great to meet you in person and I really enjoyed your presentation… As a lay person, it struck me how similar my limited understanding of chronic pain and depression were in terms of responses so I was extremely interested to hear you talk about this from your experience….

Auditor at a clinical meeting at which Dr Bodani gave a presentation on the neurobiology of chronic pain and depression
Healthcare Professional

…we have been looking for help like this for a very long time and do finally feel we have found an Excellent Dr that understands exactly what the problem is and can hopefully help…

Son of patient

We are most grateful to Dr Bodani for his exceptional skill and professional care throughout the case.


Thank you so much for helping me and for the medicine….I was very happy with your consultation


Dear Dr Bodani, Thank you so much for your help yesterday.  I appreciate the advice and will look up the courses that you suggested. Along with everything else. I just wanted to convey my appreciation. I know you’re extremely busy, but your information and explanation on this was invaluable. Thank you again.


Dr Bodani is “a highly trusted and dependable colleague…(He) is invariably concerned for his patients’ best interests…He often goes “extra miles” for patients when necessary, always appropriately…without claiming extra recompense for his efforts…I have great confidence and esteem for (him)”

Senior Consultant and Medical Director, in a tertiary medical speciality
Healthcare Professional

My husband and I both think Dr Bodani is a very kind, understanding man, he doesn’t act like a doctor, more like a caring friend.  He is very approachable, always available when you’re under his care and in difficulty.  He has been very supportive throughout our court case.  He really listens and gives our point of view his full consideration.  He has a lovely bedside manner and every visit to see him is special, even down to him bringing me herbal tea bags because he knows I like them.  I would highly recommend Dr Bodani.


Dr Bodani has been a model professional since my first interaction with him. He is an excellent doctor, has a fantastic Bedside/patient interaction and I would thoroughly recommend him to anyone.   Overall a five-star service!!

CEO Private Medical Clinic 
Healthcare Professional

Dr Bodani …changed my family and our lives and we will be forever grateful for how much he has helped us. There are many people who hold the title “doctor”, but finding a doctor who genuinely cares is rare. Dr Bodani has gone out of his way for us on plenty of occasions and always made us feel comfortable about asking for help at any time (even at ridiculously early hours of the morning). A caring and genuine person who really does know his stuff….


Family member – carer of a patient

I think …Dr Bodani is extraordinary …he is still on the journey with me


Dr Bodani goes above and beyond to provide incredible healthcare. He is extremely knowledgeable, caring, and truly listens to you. His help allowed me to significantly reduce the frequency of my seizures which was invaluable in allowing me to return to normal life. I cannot recommend Dr Bodani enough, he has been amazing, and continues to be. I know now when I speak to him that I will always get an answer that is well considered and, most importantly, helpful.


Dear Sirs,

I am writing to provide a testimonial for Dr Bodani who I have come to know quite well over the past two years.

I need to provide a little context in order to appreciate how outstanding his input has been to a terrible case – that of my wife who is dying of Cortico Basal Degeneration.

Read the Full Story

Patient’s Partner

I would just like to say a very big thank you for such an excellent letter in response to my recent re-referral…

GP Partner

Thank you so much for attending my mother and father at their home yesterday. I am so grateful to you…for all the time, trouble, and expert advice

Consultant Cardiologist
Independent Hospital

I wanted to thank you very much indeed for your most impressive and measured evidence in the trial of Mr X

Legal Professional
Old Bailey Trial

Your help with last year’s case (which continues) was a great assistance…

Legal Professional

…Dr Bodani is an excellent neuropsychiatrist and very switched on with these matters…

Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Healthcare Professional
Private Practice

Just to let you know that X has had to have a pacemaker fitted. He apparently has ventricular standstill and AV block…Good call!

Nurse Specialist
Healthcare Professional

She has recently seen Dr Bodani and was very impressed with his suggestions

MS Nurse Specialist
Healthcare Professional

Thank you for all your kind support over the past year! I’m happy to say life is good, and I’m back at work, so thank you


Mrs X asked to speak to you today as she wanted to thank you for everything you had done to help make her better. I said I would pass this on to you


And thank you for your support throughout the year


Thank you for your kindness care and help when I have seen you this year…


Thank you for the wonderful, thoughtful letter you sent. It helps me feel a sense of closure in a positive way


To my dearest Dr Bodani. ‘Come to the edge’ he said. They said ‘we are afraid’. ‘Come to the edge’ he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew


Dr Bodani took the time to listen to my experiences and health problems in a way that no other doctor has done to date. I trusted him because he believed in me and he spent most of his afternoon with me when I was scheduled for only one hour…


Dr Bodani is a great consultant…


Dear Dr Bodani the medication is working – thank you and the Lord


We are also very grateful for your diagnosis of X’s condition, instigating his treatment, and referring him to …UCL. Your advice and support…has been invaluable to us


I reviewed this gentleman in clinic today accompanied by his wife. They were very impressed by Dr Bodani’s assessment…

Consultant Neurologist
Maidstone Hospital

It was very nice to see you again today. X felt very positive afterwards, about everything you had said and advised


In your case (written to patient) Dr Bodani provides a first-class local neuropsychiatric service and his skills overlap considerably with what we provide in the clinic here at the Maudsley.

Senior Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
Lishman Unit, Maudsley Hospital

I would like to thank you for the help you have given me personally whilst working with X and it has been a pleasure to have known you

Senior Care-Coordinator
Healthcare Professional
Community Mental Health Team, Dartford

Thank you for all your calm, caring and thoughtful support during X’s time with us

Senior Physician
Rehabilitation Unit

…she has had considerable benefit from your expertise…


We have found (your input) extremely valuable and it has certainly helped to get this service off to a strong start. Thank you for all the hard work you have put in… over the last 20 months

Director of Clinical Services
Neurorehabilitation Unit

I gather from Dr X that, despite our inefficiency, she (patient) has done well in your unit and has been discharged

Lishman Unit, Maudsley Hospital

I just wanted to thank you for all you did for me …your kindness, helpfulness and understanding was so much appreciated…I am studying Product Design at X University as I had hoped to. I would not have been able to change my life around and achieve my dream without your help, thank you so much.


Many thanks for undertaking your joint assessment of this patient. I was pleased to see that you have been able to develop a high quality care plan for her…

Medical Director
Mental Health NHS Trust

I am very grateful for your help in managing this patient’s dementia syndrome and would also like to let you know that Mrs X is absolutely delighted with your care…

Consultant Physician
Darent Valley Hospital

Dr Bodani is obviously excellent…

Consultant Neurologist
Tunbridge Wells Hospital, Pembury

Thank you very much indeed for your extremely comprehensive and helpful letter …

GP Partner

I was delighted to see what a dramatic improvement the introduction of the combination of (drugs) has had on her general demeanour, anxiety and emotional lability. These were recommendations by Dr Mayur Bodani…as a result, there has been weight gain…X has been less agitated and the emotional lability has been extinguished

(writing about a patient with Parkinson’s disease)

Consultant Neurologist

Thank you very much indeed for your detailed letters about Mr. X and all that you are doing to help him and his family. I am most appreciative of how thorough you are being in exploring all the options…

Senior Consultant in Medicine
King's College Hospital

Thank you for all your continued, non-judgemental, honest and impartial continuous support…


I feel the whole family needs to know about the implications of this disease…I am copying this letter…to Dr Bodani who saw you in 2014 and correctly first raised the possibility of Huntington’s disease.

Consultant Neurologist
Maidstone Hospital

May I take the opportunity to thank you for your recent input, which has clearly been most helpful as you are no doubt aware, she is a very complex case…


…I doubt whether I would be able to add very much to your very careful and in-depth assessment…

National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, London

Thank you for Everything You saved my life


This gentleman called to say ‘thank you for your time’ you are the first person he has been able to speak to that he felt could understand him and that he could trust


I would like to thank you for the service that I have received from yourself in regards to my medical problem


Thank you for all your help and support over this last year. I am so pleased with my progress and it is you that made it all possible. I will never forget what you are doing for me and my family


…please express our thanks to Dr Bodani for everything he has done…

Case Manager
Medway Social Services

A GP friend and colleague has asked me to recommend a neuropsychiatrist for a private consultation. Sincerely, I couldn’t think of any other person I would trust to look after me or my relative other than you.

Consultant Psychiatrist

Please accept my thanks for the report which was comprehensive and most helpful

Circuit Judge
Legal Professional

I would just like to thank you on behalf of the family for making it possible to get prompt treatment…which I know she found great comfort and calm…they are very grateful for your kindness, as I am


Thank you for your letter…I am most grateful to you for assisting with this matter

Official Solicitor
Legal Professional

I am so moved by this; it is exactly what is required, I am so, so relieved. Would you please extend my sincerest appreciation to Dr Bodani?


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