How can I book an appointment with Dr Bodani?
Click the Get Help button or call my clinic on 020 8087 2989 with your enquiry. The appointment can be booked over the telephone or via email. You may wish to talk to my team or, if you are feeling anxious, via email. We are flexible and approachable.
How soon can I book an appointment?
I can usually book appointments within 2 weeks so you don’t have to wait long for help. My friendly team will be happy to talk you through the process and let you know how quickly you can be seen.
Where do appointments take place?
I have a clinic in Harrow where we can meet face to face, which is preferable. I can carry out domiciliary visits, subject to travel charges, please ask about these. Or you may feel more reassured having an online meeting remotely, either via Facetime, Zoom, Skype etc. Do please ask if there is another system you are comfortable using.
How long are appointments?
Your first assessment will usually take around 90 minutes so I can really get a complete picture of your situation. Any follow-up appointments needed are usually between 30-60 minutes.
How much does it cost?
Prices are available on application. A first consultation would normally last 90 minutes with a follow up appointment expected to last 60 minutes. At your first appointment I can give you an idea of how many, if any, follow up appointments might be beneficial to you.
I am recognised as a provider by all major insurers and I also take private self-pay patients.
Are you the right specialist to help me?
I know it can be distressing when you have a mental health issue that has not yet been treated successfully. My approach is to get to know my patients thoroughly by taking a full medical history. My aim is to assist you on your path to wellness; I am passionate about helping people to be the best they can be. If you are looking for someone to help you find an effective treatment for whatever psychiatric issue you have, give my team a call.
What can I expect during my appointment?
At your assessment, I will conduct a detailed examination, which usually includes:
- aspects of mental state and neurological function
- what are your symptoms?
- when did the problem begin?
- development (what happened as time went on)
- current problems
When required, I will recommend tests/investigations (if they have not already been done recently, perhaps by a neurologist or another specialist).
Finally, I will provide an opinion (verbal and written) and will devise a treatment plan which is detailed and comprehensive. I can offer ongoing support if necessary.
Can you prescribe medication for me?
As a Consultant I can prescribe medication and I will write a letter to your GP confirming any change in medication.
If treatment includes medication, I will explain what the drug is for, how it works and any potential side-effects.
As well as prescribing medication, I also offer review and support.
Do I need a referral from a GP or other healthcare specialist?
You do not need a referral if you are paying privately. I am recognised as a provider by all major insurers, but you must seek approval from them first for payment. Some insurers will expect you to have a referral. It is best to liaise with your medical insurance company first.
If I have had a workplace injury and my solicitor is arranging for me to see an Expert, what does this mean?
This means the case is medicolegal. A medical Expert is instructed to assess the injured party and to provide an unbiased medical opinion which is robust enough to stand up in court.
I have been an Expert since 2009. With over 25 years’ experience as a psychiatrist, and 15 of those years being in Neuropsychiatry, including the last 13 as an Expert for medicolegal purposes, it is no surprise that I receive regular referrals from companies acting on behalf of legal professionals in personal injury cases. I have worked on more than 120 cases in the past three years alone.
I have given expert testimony in both Civil and Criminal cases. I have acted for Defendants and Claimants. I am well versed in providing assessments of mental capacity and have provided opinions on cases throughout the UK.
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